Mapping for Delivery

 Mapping for Pizza Delivery Software

Knowing the precise location of a delivery address makes a driver more efficient, helps keep deliveries on schedule, and makes a delivery operation more efficient premiumfeature.

Amazing Technology

Get all the information necessary to make an efficient delivery run. A mapped location includes a visual map and turn-by-turn driving directions. If multiple stops are planned for a delivery, each stop on the route will be optimized to minimize distance and time.

This state-of-the-art technology is brought to you through integrating Point of Success with mapping technology from Microsoft. Touch the Map button on the Point of Success delivery dispatch screen and each stop in the route is transferred to the mapping software, producing the information necessary to route the delivery.

Point of Success mapping requires one of these mapping products from Microsoft:

  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2005
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2006
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2007
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2008
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2009
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2010
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2012
  • Microsoft Streets & Trips 2013

No other mapping software or service is supported. Just purchase your mapping software from any source, install it on a Point of Success delivery dispatch workstation, and everything works together!


Touch to select each of the deliveries to map in the route, then click the Map button on the Point of Success delivery dispatch screen.

Address Validation, Efficient Routing and Driving Directions

Select the orders for a delivery run in Point of Success, touch the Map button, and each address in turn is displayed in the mapping software’s Find window. Select the proper address if several are displayed, then touch OK and the next address is displayed.


Touch OK in the Find window until all addresses have been transferred.


After the route is optimized and mapping and driving directions are calculated, this window is displayed. Your Microsoft mapping software will print all or a portion of this information.

Microsoft Corporation does not endorse Point of Success software. The integration between Point of Success and Microsoft mapping software requires the user to own a valid license for both programs.

premiumfeature Indicates features available only in Point of Success Premium.